Rashtriya Military Schools are English medium residential Public Schools run by the Ministry of Defence to impart quality education to the wards of defence personnel and civilians from Classes VI to XII. These Schools are the founding members of the Indian Public Schools’ Conference (IPSC). Established in the year 1925, these Schools are among the oldest Public Schools in India. There are five Rashtriya Military Schools (RMS) located at Chail in the Shimla Hills of Himachal Pradesh, Ajmer and Dholpur in Rajasthan, Belgaum and Bengaluru in Karnataka. Cadets are admitted into Class VI & IX through a Common Entrance Test (CET) conducted under the aegis of the Integrated Headquarters, Ministry of Defence (Army).
Rashtriya Military schools were eastablished as King George’s Royal Indian Military schools to take care of the education of the sons of defence personnel. In 1952, the schools were reorganized on Public School lines and admissions were made open to the sons of Defence Service Officers and civilians. In 1954, the school became member of the Indian Public Schools Conference (IPSC) and continues to be an active member till date. The schools were renamed Military Schools in 1966 and its old motto, ‘Play the Game’ was replaced with ‘Sheelem Param Bhushanam’ which means Character is the Highest Virtue. On 25th Jun 2007, the schools got their present name “Rashtriya Military School”. The school has several of its alumni occupying high positions in the Armed Forces and in other sectors doing stellar service to the motherland.
Rashtriya Military Schools are affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). The medium of instruction in the Schools is English. The academic year is from April to March and is divided into two terms. All Schools offer Science stream.Rashtriya Military Schools prepare Cadets for the following examinations:-
Central Board of Secondary Education.
All India Secondary School Examination (Class X).
All India Senior School Certificate Examination (Class XII)
Union Public Service Commission Examination for admission to National Defence Academy.
Form Last Date – 15 Sep to 20 Oct 2022
Exam Date – 25 Dec 2022 ( Expected)
Age Criteria for RMS 2023:
For Class VI (boys & girls both ) – 10 to 12 years. Student should be born between 01 April 2011 to 31 March 2013 (Both Dates inclusive) for admission in Class VI.
For Class IX (only boys) – 13 to 15 years. Applicant should be born between following dates – 1 April 2008 to 31 March 2010 (Both Dates inclusive)for admission in Class IX.
Form Date – 15 sep. to 20 Oct. 2023
Exam Date – 24 Dec 2023 ( Expected)
Age Criteria for RMS 2024:
For Class VI (boys & girls both ) – 10 to 12 years. Student should be born between 01 April 2012 to 31 March 2014 (Both Dates inclusive) for admission in Class VI.
For Class IX (only boys) – 13 to 15 years. Applicant should be born between following dates – 1 April 2009 to 31 March 2011 (Both Dates inclusive)for admission in Class IX.
List of Documents Required:
Student Birth Certificate
Student passport size photo
Student signature
Part 2 Order (Ex-Service man)
Serving Certificate (Defence Person)
Caste Certificate for SC, ST & OBC
Student Aadhaar Card
Father Aadhaar Card
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The schools have reservation of seats in categories mentioned below:-
70% of seats are reserved for the wards of serving and retired JCOs/OR those in the Army, Navy and Air Force.
30% of seats are reserved for the wards of Officers & Civilians.
27%,15%and7.5%of the seats in each category(excluding Officer Category)are reserved for OBCN on-creamylayer,SCandST candidates respectively.
A total of 50 seats (Not more than 15 in either of the school) are earmarked for wards of personal killed in action.
Education Qualification :
For admission to Class VI, no previous education qualification is mandatory. For admission in Class IX, the candidate should have passed Class VIII from a government/recognized school before the date of admission to a Rashtriya Military School. However, students studying in Class V and Class VIII are eligible to appear in the respective Entrance Test. They should also preferably know sufficient English which is the medium of instruction in Rashtriya Military Schools
Age Criteria for RMS 2023:
For Class VI (boys & girls both ) – 10 to 12 years. Student should be born between 01 April 2011 to 31 March 2013 (Both Dates inclusive) for admission in Class VI.
For Class IX (only boys) – 13 to 15 years. Applicant should be born between following dates – 1 April 2008 to 31 March 2010 (Both Dates inclusive)for admission in Class IX.
Six months relaxation in upper age limit is permissible for wards of personnel Killed in Action. The Authority for Date of Birth will be a School Leaving Certificate obtained from the previous school of the candidate and countersigned by the District Education Officer. Certificates issued by Gram Panchayat or any other local body are not acceptable. Any variation in the Date of Birth or any other particulars in the sheet role and the School Leaving Certificate will render the candidature of the child null and void.
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Admission Test:
The CET written examination for Class VI & Class IX will be fully Automated through Optical Mark Reader (OMR) based examination and scheme of marking for these papers will be as given on the right side :-
Class VI
Sec Subject Maximum Marks Minimum% to qualify
A English 50 50%
B Intelligence Test 50 40%
C Mathematics 50 40%
D General Knowledge & Current Affairs 50 50%
Total 200
E Interview 20
Class IX
Sec Subject Number of questions Marks
(a) Paper – 1 100 50%
English 50 Marks
Hindi 20 Marks
Social Science 30 Marks
(b) Paper – 2 100 50%
Maths 50 Marks
Science 50 Marks
(c) Interview 50
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Written test will generally be of Class V standard for Class VI admission and Class VIII standard for Class IX admission. Medium of Question Paper in Entrance exam is English or Hindi for Class VI and only English for Class IX.
Those candidates who qualify in the written test and short-listed, will be called for the interview at one of the Rashtriya Military Schools. Marks of the interview will be added to the score of the written test before deciding the final merit. No traveling or other allowance is admissible in connection with the journeys undertaken for the Common Entrance Test or the interview.
Merit list of successful candidates and the school allotment will be declared by IHQ of MoD (Army), DGMT/MT-15. No separate intimation will be sent to the unsuccessful candidates. However, the final result will be available on www.rashtriyamilitaryschools.edu.in and on army Intranet.
Final Selection:
Candidates selected in order of merit on the basis of total marks secured by them in the admission test and the interview will be admitted to different Rashtriya Military Schools based on availability of vacancies, medical fitness and as per the reservations norms laid down for various categories. Qualified candidates will be allotted school purely on the basis of Merit and vacancy available in school.
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Your ward has been selected for admission to Rashtriya Military School for the academic session 2022-23 and will report to the Principal of the concerned School as per instructions contained in this letter. Only parents are requested to accompany their wards on the day of admission.
Medical Fitness:
All the candidates will be required to undergo medical fitness examination before admission to the Rashtriya Military Schools as per norms/criteria as specified in AFMSF-2 and only in the hospital he has mentioned in the Application Form. The medical examination will be carried out at only one of the listed hospitals mentioned under the head “LIST OF HOSPITALS FOR CONDUCT OF MEDICAL TEST”. Candidate found medically unfit by the board of officers at listed hospitals will not be admitted. The candidate will also be required to remain medically fit during the course of his stay at Rashtriya Military School. The admission of the candidate will be provisional till Fitness certificate is received from the Hospital. NO CHANGE IN MEDICAL EXAM CENTRE WILL BE ALLOWE.
Following documents in original will be brought at the time of admission alongwith two Photostat copies duly attested by gazetted officer.
Proof of Date of Birth from competent authority (Unit Part II Order for entitled category i.e. JCOS/OR and their equivalent in IAF/Navy including Ex Servicemen).
Caste Certificate (in case of SC/ST/OBC-NCL).
Proof of having passed class V or VIII.
Part II Order (In case of killed in action category).
(†) Medical fitness certificate (from Military Hospital).
Character Certificate from the Principal of the last School attended.
Income Certificate (In case total income of parents is less than 1.5 lac per annum).
Ex-serviceman status certificate (in case of parent an ex-serviceman).
Transfer Certificate from last school attended.
Wards of JCOS/OR & their equivalent in Air Force / Navy are requested to submit their father’s present rank certificate duly signed by the CO/OC of the unit at the time of admission and also during every academic year while paying the tution fees.